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Lii Brooke
Jan 32 min read
Low self-esteem in autistic adults. How does it show up for you?
Seeing yourself as inferior can come through in many ways. Unsurprisingly, few of them are beneficial to your wellbeing. What can be done?
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Lii Brooke
Sep 8, 20242 min read
You are autistic. What does that mean?
When you first realise you are autistic, whether through self-identification or formal assessment, it can be an unsettling time.
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Lii Brooke
Jul 14, 20242 min read
Answers to frequently asked questions about autism.
Here I look at some popular Google search terms on the subject of autism. If you have recently come to identify as autistic, then you may...
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Lii Brooke
May 23, 20242 min read
Why have some of my relationships gone wrong after autism diagnosis?
It is not unusual to find that your relationships with partner, family or friends change after you realise you are autistic.
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Lii Brooke
May 6, 20244 min read
On autism and communication skills.
It seems we, autistic people, often feel a strong need to fit in with the neurotypical way of communicating. Is there a middle ground?
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Lii Brooke
Apr 17, 20243 min read
Clients ask: "How can you help me?" An honest view from your autistic therapist on how counselling helps.
People ask, "How can you help me?". An autistic therapist's honest view on how counselling helps clients in distress.
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Lii Brooke
Apr 1, 20243 min read
Where are you from? Untangling ethnic and national identity.
This post is about identity , a concept in my opinion necessarily co-validated by the individual and the group, within or near which the...
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Lii Brooke
Mar 29, 20243 min read
How did you realise you might be autistic?
It may have been done for you in a sense, diagnosed in childhood following suggestions from educational settings, where certain autistic...
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Lii Brooke
Feb 18, 20243 min read
Hard to find the words? On the autistic struggle with communication.
Hard to find the right words? Any words. Especially when talking about feelings ? Want to be around people but it is just not comfortable...
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Lii Brooke
Jan 19, 20243 min read
Dealing with autistic burnout: importance of alone time.
Once you're in it, you just know. It takes over. There is the anger and the tiredness ..a heavy tiredness. Climb-into-bed-for-days...
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